Friday 29 July 2011

Epic Corinne!

             So now I’m going to give a few reasons as to why I am epic.
            I know I’ve got some self esteem issues (especially in terms of my looks), but I do have one attractive feature: my legs. So maybe they’ve got mosquito bites here and there, but they’re long and slender-looking and shaped quite nicely. They look quite nice with high heels too. Some of my girl friends envy me for them, and when they tell me so it’s a great confidence-booster. I don’t really have much else to be proud of in terms of physical appearance.
           In terms of talent, I’m proud to say that I can draw. I’m no Da Vinci, but I think I draw well enough for people to be impressed.
            I believe I'm a nice person. I mean, I'm not a complete angel, but I know I'm a good girl at heart and I'm nice enough to be liked by the general. I'm also incredibly optimistic; the glass almost is never half empty for me.
            As for my family, I’ve probably got the best there is. I’ve got a loving mother and father who are willing to give the world to me (if they could afford it), and two older brothers who I could shove around – and who’d shove me back – and still love me no matter what. Oh, and the household help has been around since I was a kid, so they’re kind of like family too – and we all live happily under one roof.
            I could say the same for my friends – my high school friends more so. They’re the sisters I’ve never had. They’ve cried with me and laughed with me, and they’re the only people in the world who would man up and tell me if there’s something I did wrong. Oh, and we have our own private Facebook group. Does your group of friends have a private Facebook group? I didn’t think so.
            Lastly, I’m epic because I graduated from Assumption College. I know there are people who would make fun of me because of that (“tusok-tusok the fishball,” anyone?), but I’m proud to have come from such a wonderful place with such wonderful people. Oh, and we have nice red plaid uniforms. Enough said. 

- By Corinne Syquia

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