Tuesday 26 July 2011

Zarah is EPIC! (by Zarah Jeanine O. Mendoza)

Zarah is Zarah, no one can be like me, I am the master of my fate, Zarah is Zarah because I have only my pride to keep me going and that is my virtue, not only by being a virgo, I fight for what I know what is right and I stick to my own decisions, I'm strict with time even though I am late in some class, well... Zarah will be Zarah for Zarah has to be clean and healthy before she can go outside, and that is my strong point.

I am Zarah, I may not look like it, but I'm a former DOTA player way back in UST, I'm a Champion in playing Tekken in highschool, a former Cdt. Lt. Col. Officer in CAT gone through hazardous military training in miniskirt and heels. I may look a B but I'm not SORRY, I admit it, I had many suitors before but I only have gone into 4 relationships including my present now, and lastly I may look like a party girl but I don't know how to drink and party, I'm a consecutive Dean's Lister and I hope to get the 3rd one this term for my Scholarship, that is Zarah for you, EPIC Zarah.

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