Sunday 17 July 2011

First Post!

Good Day everyone! :D

This blog is a project for our class in school. It is composed of 6 authors. I'm not quite sure if they want you knowing their names, so I'm going to ask them first if I'm allowed to give their full names or if they prefer a nickname.

So... What can you expect in this blog?
  So far, the first post is the ULTIMATE PINOY BLOG. We have to post the ultimate Pinoy things! Like food, clothes, etc. We're doing this for our Philien class which I thought before was Philippine Literature AND English but it's Philippine Literature IN English. I felt like such a failure after that. But forget about my stupid moments in life.

Now, asides from us writing those things, we will also be writing essays and reflection essays. I think it's quite a fun project since I personally like writing.

That's all for now. I have to get going. But we'll be posting more tomorrow or later tonight about the Ultimate Pinoy Stuff!


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