Tuesday 26 July 2011

FAD by Zarah Jeanine Mendoza

We (Filipinos) tend to go with the fad (always) and sometimes we are told to be people without the "sense of originality". Influenced by Globalization and the set of standards by the beauty and fashion experts in the present time, we tend to imitate and go with the flow without think first of our sense of originality. First, being not contented. Second. you want to be IN. And Third, Crab Mentality. These are the reason why we tend to go with the FAD and being not proud of what we have already. It's not bad to hope or wish for a better appearance when it comes to beauty and fashion, improvement is the key. But exaggeration, is not good. Soon it will become an addiction to aesthetics resulting to dissatisfaction.

          Some of these examples may hurt somebody, but it's not intended to hurt those people. So, here it goes. First, Cosmetic Surgery. You do this because...
1.) Boost of Self Confidence or Esteem.
2.) Self Improvement in Appearance and inner self.
3.) FAD
4.) You are disabled or have a deformed body parts (Deformities).
5.)Want to impersonate other person.
6.) Need to disguise.
7.) Want to be like a Model of the Set Standards of Beauty by the Society.
8.) All of these reasons comes from the influence of others and dissatisfaction of self.

 Although it really hurts to be under a knife and pain just to be beautiful. "NO PAIN, NO GAIN".

These are the benefit of cosmetic surgery...

Wait! Before you make up your mind to change something you don't want in your body or in your face because you are impressed on what you have seen from others. Here are some of the consequences you can face:
1.) Scars ( from the operation)
2.) Pain on the part operated.
3.) Cancer risk because of silicon and foreign material inserted to your body.
4.) You have to repeat the surgery if it goes wrong or you have to.
5.) or you'll end up like these...

Second, Fashion. Filipino's Fashion is influenced by the foreigners. Today, Korean Fashion is fad among Filipinos. Fashion trend  is set by the famous people. Our national dress is influenced by the Spaniards. Business Attires are influence of the Western People. Filipinos are corrupted by Crab Mentality (Western Influence). Filipinos love imported that is why the local goods and brands are in great danger of being extinct and will just flunk in the economy. I don't need to mention brands. Have you ever heard of a famous clothing brand name here and abroad owned by a pure Filipino? Maybe. we had some. But we don't recognize it.

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